How a Landscape Supply Can Help Make Your Dream Project a Reality in the Lancaster and State College, PA, Areas | Watson Supply

How a Landscape Supply Can Help Make Your Dream Project a Reality in the Lancaster and State College, PA, Areas

How a Landscape Supply Can Help Make Your Dream Project a Reality in the Lancaster and State College, PA, Areas

It’s that time of year again: the perfect time to get going on all of the landscape projects you’ve been waiting to start all winter long. Once you’re ready to take your projects from dream into reality, it’s time to visit a landscape supply and consult some of the seasoned professionals who can guide you in making the best choices. Here’s how a landscape supply can help your next project in the Lancaster and State College, PA areas.


Choosing the Right Pavers or Paving Stone

The pavers or stone you use in updating a patio, walkway, or driveway can take your project from utilitarian to downright incredible. Consider taking plenty of photos of the home and landscape so there are some good references on which to pair colors and textures, and use samples so that you can see them next to the home, landscape, and in various weather and lighting conditions.

  • Colors: Pavers tend to follow two main color schemes: steel tones and earth tones. It’s easy to see which color the landscape follows. Steely grays and blues of the aptly named bluestone make a stunningly beautiful addition to the landscapes of Pennsylvania. Darker earth tones can also make great additions to a landscape as well.

  • Size and shape: Pavers and stone come in many sizes and shapes, so it’s important to think about the desired design aesthetic: rustic or contemporary. Rustic patios and walkways might ascribe to small bricks or natural stone while contemporary ones might use large format paver to create sleek, minimalist lines across the hardscape.

  • Accents and borders: You aren’t limited to selecting just one style of paving material. There is always opportunity for tasteful application of accents and borders that can be of a different style altogether. See what’s available at the landscape supply so that you can use artistic techniques to make the landscape pop.

Switching to Permeable Pavers

As you contemplate the details of renovating a patio and walkways, consider using permeable pavers which accomplish what a solid-surface patio cannot: a surface that lets water filter through to the ground below. This minimizes runoff and keeps the outdoor living space surfaces drier and more pleasant. You can find permeable pavers in a variety of styles, and you can still use traditional installation methods for borders and accents, if you wish.

Alternating Styles

As you plan the patio, consider which features are necessary and thus, which wall blocks or stone that should take part in the construction. A circular fire pit, for example, could be constructed of wall blocks and surrounded by the curved visual cues of brick circles contrasting with the straight lines of the remainder of the patio surface.

Exploring and Asking for Advice

Some of the best ideas could come up on the fly as you walk around a landscape supply and chat with our experts. You might have even been heavily considering a certain look for a project and completely change your mind once you see an alternative. When you visit the landscape supply, it helps to keep an open mind and to know that you can solicit advice from seasoned professionals. Not only will they be able to give you tips on which materials to use, but they can also set you up with some experienced contractors to make sure your landscape renovations are fully realized.


Image Source: Unilock