Spruce Up a State College, PA, Side Yard With Materials from Our Landscape Supply | Watson Supply

Spruce Up a State College, PA, Side Yard With Materials from Our Landscape Supply

Spruce Up a State College, PA, Side Yard With Materials from Our Landscape Supply

A side yard can easily become the hidden gem of a landscape. If it’s currently unused and neglected - home to the garden shed, piles of firewood, and a spaghetti mess of hoses - here’s how to spruce up a State College, PA, side yard with materials from our landscape supply. 


A Private Patio

People love to feel nestled into a landscape. A side yard is the perfect space to create seclusion. The space is already enclosed on one side by the home, so the addition of a masonry privacy wall and concrete pavers can transform this narrow space into an intimate meditation retreat or a delightful space to put a bistro table where you can have your morning coffee. This private patio need never be shared with visitors; due to their small size, side yards can rarely accommodate more than two or three people at a time. So, consider a private patio a gift to yourself, where you can be alone and unplug from the world! 

Build a retaining wall into a sloped side yard to create more usable space. This makes your secret patio feel even more magically “tucked-in”! We have a huge selection of patio pavers, walkway pavers, and wall units. Our experts will help you choose the perfect combination for your side yard!

A Game Area

Instead of taking up a chunk of the backyard with a game court, make use of the side yard. Bocce, outdoor bowling, shuffleboard, darts, horseshoes, and other games suited for narrow spaces can transform your side yard from an outdoor storage unit to party central! Place the game area on a bed of gravel. It’s low maintenance, durable, and, as a bonus, reduces the need for mowing and weeding!

Raised Bed Vegetable Gardens

A side yard, particularly one that is situated near the outdoor kitchen and has a decent amount of natural sunlight, can become a delightful garden where you can grow vegetables, herbs, and even a few fruit trees. Raised beds keep the area neat and tidy and put the gardens at a more convenient height. Whether you construct your raised beds from railroad ties or masonry, we have the materials you need to integrate them into your design theme.

More Trees

Tall sources of greenery, whether they’re evergreens or deciduous trees, help the home blend into the landscape. Just keep in mind that trees will shade the rooms adjacent to the side yard, so only plant trees where you want shade. You may not want to sacrifice natural light in the home. Remember to install low voltage lighting to keep the area attractive and safe at night. We have everything you need to illuminate a grove of trees in the most magical way!

A Serene Walkway

Make the journey from the front yard to the backyard memorable and beautiful with a brick, cobblestone or flagstone walkway. Add a bench, colorful flowers, a living privacy wall (or a vine-festooned masonry wall), a water feature, and even a garden sculpture to turn this otherwise neglected area into a work of art.

A Zen Garden

Who says sand is just for kids? There are few things more soothing to the soul than a Japanese Zen garden with a stone bench, a lantern or two, monochromatic plantings, a small fountain, bamboo fencing, a sandy area that you can rake into designs, and a few boulders as focal points. And, no matter the size or shape of your side yard, you can make all of these elements fit perfectly into an oasis of tranquility!

If you’re not using your side yard much, remember: you pay for the space, so why not optimize it for something more appealing and usable than storage? We can help with our expertise and a comprehensive selection of materials you need to create a stunning and usable outdoor space in a side yard.


Image Source: Unilock