Contractor — Patio Pavers York PA, Landscape, Masonry Supply Lancaster PA, Harrisburg, State College | Watson Supply


Your 2021 Shopping List at a Landscape Supply and Masonry Supply in the State College, PA, Area

Your 2021 Shopping List at a Landscape Supply and Masonry Supply in the State College, PA, Area

Though it’s the dead of winter and many landscaping projects are on hold, it’s the perfect time to start planning those dream-big projects with homeowners. To be ready for those projects to begin, landscape contractors can be stocked and ready to go with a full arsenal of different materials. From steely bluestone to concrete pavers, know the possibilities that are at your landscape supply and masonry store—so that your team will be ready to tackle any project in the State College, PA, area.

What to Stock Up on From Our Masonry Supply and Landscape Supply for York, PA, Projects

What to Stock Up on From Our Masonry Supply and Landscape Supply for York, PA, Projects

If you’ve ever been busy working on a York, PA, landscaping project and realized halfway through that you miscalculated and don’t have quite the materials you need—or you were unprepared for a winter storm or for a key landscape light burnout—this is a mistake you likely won’t repeat.

5 Versatile Purchases to Look Out For at Your Local Landscape Supply Store Near State College, PA

5 Versatile Purchases to Look Out For at Your Local Landscape Supply Store Near State College, PA

There’s no better place than your own backyard to create your personal paradise. You could choose from an infinite number of projects to spruce up, revamp, or reorganize your yard. Here are five versatile purchases to look out for at your local landscape supply store near State College, PA. With these multipurpose materials, your backyard can become a haven for you to set aside your worries.

PaveTech demonstration in Harrisburg, PA

PaveTech demonstration in Harrisburg, PA

We recently had a Contractor Open House with Dan Majewski from PaveTech on hand to demonstrate some of their labor-saving tools.  Becoming more efficient means you can get more work done faster, potentially avoiding injuries and making more money!  If you want to check out the full line of PaveTech tools, go to  If you need to order anything, give Watson Supply a call!

Here's Why Reliable Stone Supply is so Important in Harrisburg, PA

Here's Why Reliable Stone Supply is so Important in Harrisburg, PA

Having a high quality and reliable stone supplier is an important asset in any Harrisburg, PA, contractor’s arsenal. Having the right quality of materials for your project is almost as important as the experience of the contractor. With the right supplier, you can be assured of the durability of your project and the satisfaction of your client.

It's not too late to winterize your pond!

It's not too late to winterize your pond!

OK, so you know you should have done it by now, but everything got so busy with the holidays that you just never got around to it.  Yes, we have all been there at one time or another. Top quality ponds in Lancaster, PA.

Spare ribs and MOINK balls on our new Primo Smoker/Grill

Since becoming a distributor of Primo Smoker/Grills, we thought it would only be fair to cook on them (a lot). Hardscape dealer in State College, PA.

EasyPro Joint Stabilizer makes short work of finishing a patio, even in the rain!

One of our contractors recently installed a 500 square foot patio using Techo-bloc's Blu 60 in the Sandlewood color. For most contractors, one of the final steps to finish this project would have been the installation of polymeric sand into the joints between the pavers. Techo-Bloc in York, PA.

The 2013 PA Garden Expo was a great time!

Area landscape contractors in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania built garden exhibits that included Patios, Water Features (including ponds, pondless waterfalls, bubbling fountains, Colorfalls, and overflowing vases), Pergolas, Wood Fired Brick Ovens, Outdoor Kitchens, Plants, and Landscape Lighting.